Sunday, April 27, 2008

Road Map

Background Research
Cycles for Master’s Action Research Project

Cycle 1: Using technology tools for shared viewing and reflection on student writing
· Research and reflection: Teacher survey on current collaborative practices
· Research and reflection: Ways of sharing student work
· Research and reflection: Discussion about reasons for sharing and assessing student work
· Action: Examining and commenting on student work using Microsoft Word and a SMART board with projector (Collaborative Assessment Conference protocol)
o Email as a reflective tool following discussion

Cycle 2: Using an electronic environment to research and discuss student writing
· Spiraling into Cycle 2
· Research and reflection: Teachers’ use of technology for activities other than professional collaboration
o Emails
o Social networking
o Chat tools
· Action: Reading and discussing the current literature on assessing student work in a discussion forum (Final Word protocol)
· Research and reflection: Analysis of teachers’ reflective postings on discussion board
· Action: Using a rubric to talk about student writing in a discussion forum (Learning from Student Work protocol)

Cycle 3: Using web-based tools for collaborative inquiry and instruction
· Spiraling into Cycle 3: Availability and cost of technology tools
· Research and reflection: Discussion with teaching teams about preferred ways of sharing
· Action: Web-based word processing for interdisciplinary planning of literacy instruction and assessment
· Research and reflection: Variation in teacher response among different methods of collaboration (email, discussion boards and web-based word processing)
· Action: Collaborative planning and discussion on an electronic calendar
· Action: Teacher inquiry and literacy instruction through the exploration, production and consumption of wikis

Final Reflections on Master’s Action Research Project