Monday, February 18, 2008


I am working with English/Language Arts and Technology teachers in several New York City schools. For demographic information about the student population in each of my schools, please visit the following websites:
J.H.S. 216 (George J. Ryan) in Fresh Meadows, Queens
M.S. 321 (Minerva) in Washington Heights, Manhattan
Church of God Christian Academy (COGCA) in Far Rockaway, Queens
P.S./I.S. 323 in Brownsville, Brooklyn

Last night in Fieldwork class, we talked about the potential importance of background information when a researcher is studying teachers. is some additional information about my participants' backgrounds.

Education/Training: 63% traditional 4-year preparation program including student teaching; 26% alternative preparation route (New York City Teaching Fellows or Teach for America); 11% without any formal preparation
Specialty/Expertise: 78% general education ELA; 11% special education ELA; 11% educational technology
Experience: 53% 3 years or less; 47% more than 3 years (I used the 3-year window because it is frequently the point where many teachers either burn out or decide to stay in the field)
Ethnicity: 58% White; 32% Black; 5% Asian/PI; 5% Hispanic; 0% Native American; 0% other

What else do you think I need to know about my teachers?